In 2019, Little Free Libraries of Westminster steward, Chloe Irla, received the Charles Boehlke, Jr. Engaged Faculty Fellows Award from McDaniel College. The award provided funding for community engagement projects. Irla decided to use her award to establish and maintain a network of little free libraries in and around Westminster. She signed the Read in Color pledge and purchased books that celebrate diversity and inclusive perspectives. In addition, her graphic design students at McDaniel create books to share in these libraries.
THANK YOU to the McDaniel College Faculty Development Committee, Charles Boehlke, Jr, Abby Gruber of the Westminster Recreation & Parks Department, the Westminster Streets Department, Erin Sikorski of William Winchester Elementary School, Moriah Taylor of the Carroll County Arts Council, Victoria Hoff of Local Homestead Products, LLC, Katharine Taylor, Christina Ogle of the Carroll County Public Library, and Barb Matthews, former City Administrator of Westminster.